Sussex County is asking the public to offer feedback on a multi-million-dollar project to create a sports complex that would serve youth and adults in southern Delaware, beginning as early as the spring of 2019.
County officials received a presentation by the Sussex Sports Center Foundation on Sept. 26, 2017, that envisions a new public facility – for residents and visitors to Sussex County – featuring soccer, lacrosse, field hockey, and touch football fields, pickleball courts, playground equipment, as well as walking and cross-country trails, just off Sand Hill Road in the Town of Georgetown. The complex would serve youth clubs, local schools, and adult recreation leagues, as well as the general public.
Proposed as a public-private partnership, the foundation members have asked Sussex County to provide $1.5 million in financial support for the $4.4 million project, with the option to eventually take over ownership of the athletic and recreation complex. In addition to financial support, the project must receive land use approval from the Town of Georgetown.
To learn more about the proposal, view the information package. To review the proposed site plans, click here. To listen to the presentation to the Sussex County Council and discussion from the meeting, click here.
Sussex County Council encourages the public to comment on the project as the Council considers the foundation’s proposal. Members of the public can offer comment in any of the following ways:
In writing, mailed to:
Sussex County Council
c/o Clerk of the Council
PO Box 589
Georgetown, DE 19947 - In person at a future County Council meeting. Citizens can provide testimony in person at the start of any scheduled County Council meeting, held at 10 a.m. Tuesdays in Council chambers, 2 The Circle, Georgetown, DE. Note, public comment is limited to 3 minutes per person. Click here to view the County Council's meeting schedule.
Comments will be received through the month of October.
Sussex County Council thanks the public for its comments on this unique proposal and opportunity.