Sussex County earns ninth consecutive financial reporting award

Georgetown, Del., June 28, 2011: For the ninth year in a row, Sussex County has earned the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting for its comprehensive annual financial report (CAFR) for fiscal year 2010. The award is among the highest forms of recognition for governmental accounting and financial reporting.

The Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada, based in Chicago, awarded the Certificate of Achievement to the County earlier this month. The CAFR was judged by an impartial panel to meet the high standards of the association’s program.

The award is an acknowledgment of Sussex County’s comprehensive annual financial report, or CAFR. The document includes the county’s annual audit, showing assets, liabilities, equity, revenues and expenses. It also contains information about county demographics and the local economy. That information helps those reviewing the report – such as investors – to better gauge the county’s financial condition.

“This award demonstrates the high standards, commitment and consistency that the Sussex County Finance Department and Accounting Division strive for,” said County Finance Director Susan M. Webb. “Having received this award nine years in a row is a testament to the County’s reliability and steadiness in financial reporting. That is a significant accomplishment, and it’s one we are proud to share with the County Council and the people of Sussex County.”
