Georgetown, Del., Dec. 8, 2015: Sussex County is turning to a local professional with more than 30 years of experience in the public and private sectors to be its next top engineer.
County Administrator Todd F. Lawson on Tuesday, Dec. 8, 2015, introduced Hans M. Medlarz as the County’s new County Engineer, filling the position left vacant in September with the retirement of longtime County Engineer Michael A. Izzo. Mr. Medlarz, who was chosen from a field of 10 applicants, is a certified professional engineer who brings with him a wealth of experience working in government and private consulting in Delaware, including as the longtime Director of Public Works for Kent County government, and as a former partner in the engineering firm Davis, Bowen and Friedel.
“It goes without saying how much I appreciate this appointment by the County Council and the County Administrator,” Mr. Medlarz said. “This gives me the opportunity to continue my public service, and the unique honor of helping to advance infrastructure improvements now in two Delaware counties.”
Mr. Medlarz, 60, of Milford, is a native of Germany who knew his eventual career path would be in some engineering capacity, as he comes from a long line of contractors and craftsmen. Since graduating college, Mr. Medlarz earned his professional certification while working in the private sector for engineering consulting firms, then went on to public life as the top engineer for neighboring Kent County. There, he oversaw a department of nearly 90 employees that was responsible for, among other duties, public wastewater and solid waste collection.
A respected member of the Delaware engineering community, Mr. Medlarz is the immediate past president of the Delaware Association of Professional Engineers, and is the current vice chairman of the Delaware Water Infrastructure Advisory Council, which advises the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC) Secretary on capital spending for wastewater and water-related projects statewide.
“Hans brings the right mix of technical knowledge, management skills and professional experience that Sussex County needs in the County Engineer position,” Mr. Lawson said. “Next to providing public safety, central sewer service is among the highest priorities for the County. Hans can provide the leadership, background and expertise to ensure that mission remains in focus and a continued success.”
The role of County Engineer is a significant appointment within County government, overseeing a staff of nearly 150 people in nine divisions that are responsible for designing, constructing and maintaining County projects. Those projects include public wastewater systems and various County facilities. Engineering is the single largest department within County government, and one of its most critical, employing engineers, project managers, draftsmen, construction technicians, wastewater operators, electricians, and maintenance crews, among others.
“Obviously there are some differences in the job roles between Kent and Sussex counties, but the similarities are clearly on the public works and environmental side,” Mr. Medlarz said. “I look forward to engaging the staff on a day-to-day basis on the details of the Engineering operations. I’ve always been a hands-on guy, so I’m looking forward to getting to work with the people.”
County Council President Michael H. Vincent said Mr. Medlarz will do well in his new position, as he already understands local government, particularly as it relates to planning for and providing public wastewater service and remaining compliant with environmental regulations.
“Mr. Medlarz knows the wastewater business, and that’s great news for the County and the customers we serve,” Mr. Vincent said. “Any good organization depends on talented, knowledgeable individuals to solve complex problems and keep the system running smoothly, and Hans Medlarz knows how to do that. We’re fortunate to have him on our team.”
Mr. Medlarz holds a master’s of science degree in engineering from Georgia Tech. He begins his service with Sussex County immediately.