Georgetown, Del., May 9, 2019: Sussex County is a community in transition, from its landscape and population to its culture and amenities. With that change comes a host of challenges, including the need to ensure an affordable and accessible housing market for all, which County leaders hope to achieve through a new study and the public’s input.
County officials will host a public forum beginning at 6 p.m. Tuesday, May 21, 2019, to provide an update and gather ideas, suggestions and perspective from residents, property owners, employers, housing advocates, builders, and others about the county’s housing needs. Topics to be discussed include affordability, workforce housing, and homelessness, among others.
The meeting will be held in County Council chambers, located inside the County Administrative Offices building, 2 The Circle, in Georgetown. The meeting is open to the public.
The forum is a chance for community members and other stakeholders to give voice to their concerns as the County embarks on a months-long study of housing needs in southern Delaware. Earlier this year, County Council selected consultant LSA to conduct a comprehensive study, called the Sussex County Housing Opportunities and Market Evaluation (HOME). The results of that study could be used as the basis for new or modified ordinances, programs, or initiatives to promote housing access and opportunities. The study is in its early stages, with a final report expected to be submitted to Council later this year.
For more information, contact Brandy Nauman in the Sussex County Community Development & Housing office at (302) 855-7777 or visit sussexcountyde.gov/HOME.