Sussex County hosts County Government Day for high school students

Georgetown, Del., April 14, 2011: The reins of Sussex County government are being handed over to the next generation – if only for a day.

Nearly 50 high school juniors from throughout Sussex County will take part in County Government Day on Friday, April 15, 2011, to learn about the role of local government and how it affects citizens’ lives. The students are part of the American Legion Boys State and American Legion Auxiliary Girls State programs, a nationwide effort to expose young people to the inner workings of government and prepare them for future leadership roles.

For Sussex County Government Day, students participate in a mock County Council meeting, in which they discuss and decide on real issues that have been before the actual Council in the past. Topics include accepting and adopting an annual budget, as well as considering a proposal to extend the main runway at the Sussex County Airport.

County Administrator David B. Baker said County Government Day can be educational, even inspiring for those who take part. In fact, County Councilman Vance Phillips was a high school participant in County Government Day in 1979. He went on to win office in 1998.

“This is an opportunity for these students to get a first-hand look at how local government works,” Mr. Baker said. “For some of them, it might just be the spark that triggers an interest and a life in public service. The County is proud to play a part in grooming the leaders of tomorrow.”
