Sussex County wins annual budgeting award from national financial group

Georgetown, Del., Sept. 17, 2024: Sussex County has a new jewel in its fiscal crown.

The Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada, based in Chicago, in August awarded Sussex County the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award for the Fiscal Year 2025 budget, which County Council adopted in June for the budget year that began July 1. The award is given to those public bodies that have demonstrated an observance of the highest principles of governmental budgeting, according to the GFOA.

The award is presented by the same group that earlier this year bestowed its coveted Triple Crown title to Sussex County for winning three separate categories related to financial reporting, and continues the County’s two-decades long track record of accounting accolades.

To receive the budget award, a governmental entity must satisfy nationally recognized guidelines for effective budget presentation, which must serve an entity as a policy document, financial plan, operations guide, and communications device. In addition to the standard fare of projected revenues and expenditures, the documents include an introductory background, organizational chart, narrative on the budgeting process, and outline of the County’s financial policies and goals.

“The budget award is a reflection of Sussex County’s long held, unwavering commitment to sound fiscal management,” Sussex County Finance Director Gina A. Jennings said. “We are honored to have again earned this award, which is recognition by our peers, but just as important, we are honored to have earned the trust and confidence of the public we serve.”


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Chip Guy, Communications Director
(302) 854-5000