Sussex County is proud to introduce an enhanced, web-based mapping portal to help the public better understand land use in Delaware’s southernmost county. The Sussex County Mapping Applications portal, launched in July 2015, is a geographic information system-based (GIS) offering that pulls a variety of information into an interactive mapping product on the County’s website, including up-to-date zoning information, flood zones, 911 addresses, election districts, school districts, library locations and other data. The digital product is a more comprehensive, user-friendly service that replaces an outdated, static system that often lacked detail and up-to-date information. The new mapping portal will show information, such as pending land use applications, in a timely manner for the more than 160,000 parcels in the county. To learn more, visit the new mapping portal. For questions, assistance or to make suggestions, please contact the Mapping & Addressing office at (302) 855-1176 or email Megan Nehrbas.