Georgetown, DE (March 8, 2018): Fraud and abuse cost American consumers billions of dollars each year. When it comes to senior citizens, such illegal activities can have a direct effect on their health and well-being, especially as it relates to Medicare benefits.
Fortunately, the federal government is taking steps in 2018 to strengthen Medicare’s security, with new cards that will no longer feature Social Security numbers, for instance. Still, where there’s a criminal will, there’s a profitable way, so consumers need to learn how best to protect themselves from falling victim to schemes.
The Sussex County Advisory Committee on Aging & Adults with Physical Disabilities at its March meeting will host a presentation on how Medicare beneficiaries, caregivers and families can prevent, detect and report healthcare fraud, errors and abuse. Patrick Carney, outreach and education coordinator from the Delaware Senior Medicare Patrol, will be the featured guest speaker. The meeting will take place at 10 a.m. Monday, March 19, 2018, at the County Administrative Offices West Complex, 22215 N. DuPont Boulevard, in Georgetown.
The Sussex County Advisory Committee on Aging & Adults with Physical Disabilities is an 11-member panel established by the Sussex County Council to be an advocate for programs and policies that benefit older and disabled residents. The committee meets every other month, in January, March, May, July, September and November. All meetings are open to the public.
The Advisory Committee’s mission is to increase dialogue, make recommendations to Sussex County Council, and to give support, assistance and advice on significant issues and programs that may affect the lives of the county’s aging and adults with physical disabilities populations.
For more information, visit the committee’s page at sussexcountyde.gov/boards-committees.