Georgetown, Del., April 9, 2019: Sussex County’s vision for the future is now a reality.
Delaware Gov. John C. Carney has certified the Sussex County Comprehensive Plan, effective March 19, marking the official end to a more-than-two-year process to review and rewrite the County’s blueprint for the next generation. In his April 1 letter, Gov. Carney said his approval follows a recommendation from the Cabinet Committee on State Planning Issues, and thanked the County for its work with State officials throughout the process.
County Council in December adopted the plan, a 10-year update borne from scores of public meetings, workshops, and outreach that attracted hundreds of comments, suggestions, and ideas from residents, business owners, government officials and others. The 280-page plan, which will guide County officials in various levels of decision-making, yielded more than 100 strategies focused on everything from land use, conservation, and housing to transportation, utilities, and economic development, all of which will be considered for implementation through new ordinances and policies during the lifespan of the plan.
Delaware law mandates all counties and municipalities have a comprehensive plan in place. Counties and municipalities must review and update those plans for State certification every 10 years, while providing yearly updates on the progress of implementation. A comprehensive plan, among other things, serves as the standard for how development occurs and how land use is governed in a community over a long-term period.
For more information on the Sussex County comprehensive plan, visit sussexcountyde.gov/2018-comp-plan.