Sussex County libraries are resuming limited in-person services as Delaware moves past the winter surge in COVID-19 case numbers, which forced libraries late last fall to suspend patron visits for computer usage and other offerings.
Beginning Monday, March 1, the three County owned libraries – Greenwood, Milton and South Coastal – will once again welcome the public to use computers, as well as browse books, in limited numbers and on select days of the week (10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at Greenwood and Milton; 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at South Coastal). Computer usage will be by-appointment only, with stations spaced and cleaned after each use. Guests must call ahead to reserve an appointment and will be subject to wellness screenings and temperature checks upon arrival. Masks will be required.
This is the latest step in the restoration of services for libraries in Sussex County. Since last spring, County libraries, as well as the 11 independent facilities, have offered streamed story times, virtual book discussions, and a very popular curbside service for patrons to check out and return books, DVDs, and other materials. Additionally, libraries have offered free wireless broadband Internet service outside their facilities for the public to use. Those services remain in effect.
All services are based on the most recent guidance from public health and emergency management officials, and are subject to change as conditions warrant.
For Sussex County libraries updates, or for contact information to reach any of the three County libraries, visit sussexlibraries.org. As always, online resources are available for the public’s use at any time by visiting the Delaware Libraries website.