Georgetown, Del., Jan. 2, 2024: Sussex County will take a page from the previous year when it comes to its leadership and legal counsel for the new year ahead.
County Council, at its Tuesday, Jan. 2, 2024, meeting, selected Councilman Michael H. Vincent of Seaford as president of the body for the 14th year in a row. Meantime, Council selected Councilman John L. Rieley of Millsboro to return as vice president for another year. Both held the positions in 2023, meaning Council’s leadership will remain intact for another year.
It is customary for council at the first meeting of each year to elect officers and appoint legal staff. As Council president, Mr. Vincent will continue to preside over all council meetings in 2024, with Mr. Rieley substituting as the presiding officer anytime Mr. Vincent is unable to attend.
Council also approved J. Everett Moore Jr. to re-appointment as County Attorney. Mr. Moore serves at the pleasure of the County Council as the elected body’s chief counsel.
Meantime, staff from the Moore & Rutt and Parkowski, Guerke & Swayze law firms will represent the Board of Adjustment and Planning & Zoning Commission respectively as assistant county attorneys.