Georgetown, Del., June 26, 2024: The sport of kings may have failed to yield a Triple Crown winner in 2024, but Sussex County’s stable finances have again landed the local government in the winner’s circle.
The Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada, based in Chicago, this spring awarded Sussex County its prestigious Triple Crown Award, which recognizes governments that have received GFOA's Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting, Popular Annual Financial Reporting Award, and the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award.
The distinction comes after Sussex County in 2023 won its first-ever award for the Popular Annual Financial Report, a summary lookback at the previous fiscal year, providing a snapshot of financial activities in Sussex County, as well as an overview of the County government’s general financial condition. In addition to that award, the County has won GFOA accolades for its financial and budget reports dating back the past 20-plus years.
Scoring the financial trifecta puts Sussex County in a rarified class, as one of only 356 local governments nationwide and the only one in Delaware to have earned the Triple Crown Award.
“We are beyond excited and honored to be named a Triple Crown Award recipient. This really puts Sussex County in a select class,” County Finance Director Gina A. Jennings said. “More than that, I think it speaks to our unwavering commitment to accuracy and transparency for the people we serve. That’s the highest honor above all, and we strive for that each and every day.”