Due to continued icy conditions, Sussex County government offices will open at 10 a.m. Thursday, Jan. 9, 2025.
Motorists are reminded to use caution, allowing themselves additional time and adequate distance from other vehicles, while traveling on area roads that continue to face issues related to this week's winter storm that left nearly a foot of snow in some locales. Meantime, Delaware Department of Transportation crews continue plowing operations to clear roads of snow, but icy spots could remain through much of the week with temperatures not reaching the freezing mark until at least Friday. The National Weather Service has posted a wind advisory for the Atlantic-facing portions of Sussex County for Thursday, Jan. 9.
Please stay tuned to the County's website, social media channel, and local media for any pertinent updates, which will be issued as warranted.
For a list of road closures, visit the Delaware Department of Transportation website at www.deldot.gov. To view a map of power outages in Sussex County, visit Delmarva Power’s website at www.delmarva.com and the Delaware Electric Cooperative’s website at www.delaware.coop.