Sussex County EOC to host amateur radio meeting

The Sussex County Emergency Operations Center on Jan. 10, 2008, will host an informational meeting on the Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service (RACES) program, which will be incorporated into the new Emergency Operations Center scheduled to open near Georgetown this spring.

The meeting will be held at 7:30 p.m. in the conference room of the present EOC building, on Airport Road, near the Sussex County Airport.

This meeting is open to all radio amateurs interested in working with the Sussex County Emergency Operations Center in the RACES program.

Topics will include operations, and requirements for training certification and credentialing. As part of the new Emergency Operations Center, a permanent amateur radio station has been incorporated in the design of the new center. The amateur radio operators, also known as “hams,” will staff this part of the operations center. Those volunteers will need to meet specific requirements of training and certification.

The “Post 9-11 Era” has brought about many changes in the standards for emergency operations, and this is now reflected in the new requirements for participation in emergency operations programs. This meeting will provide an opportunity to learn about this exciting new addition to the county’s emergency preparedness.

For more information on the RACES program, visit Or contact RACES radio officer John Ferguson at (302) 855-9385 or

What: Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service (RACES) informational meeting

When: 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 10, 2008

Where: Conference Room, Sussex County EOC, 21303 Airport Road, Georgetown

Who: Interested amateur radio operators

Contact: John Ferguson, (302) 855-9385 or
