Special Managed Antlerless Gun Hunt



Sussex County will be conducting a special managed antlerless gun hunt on December 19th and 20th, 2024 at the Wolfe Neck wastewater treatment facility located at 36160 Wolfe Neck Road Rehoboth Beach, DE, 19971.

Pre-registration is required for this event. Interested hunters may register by visiting: https://sussexcountyde.gov/gun-hunt-registration.

Sussex County has been given approval by DNREC, Parks and Recreation, to hold a special managed gun hunt to increase the harvest before the end of the regular deer hunting season.

On Thursday December 19th and Friday December 20th, there will be a managed antlerless gun hunt at the facility which will be conducted as follows:

  1. There will be a morning and evening hunt each day. Morning hunts start ½ hour before sunrise and end at 9:30AM.  Evening hunts begin at 2:30PM and end ½ hour after sunset. These hours allow for staff at the facility to perform normal duties without the danger of gun fire. Official sunrise for December 19th is 7:14 am, sunset at 4:41 pm.
  2. 14 stand positions are available and will be awarded by a drawing. The morning drawing will be at 6:15 AM and the evening drawing will be at 2 PM. Hunters successful in drawing a stand will only occupy the stand that is drawn and only for the duration of the AM or PM hunt.
  3. Hunting will only be from the provided stands. No discharge of a firearm is permitted while walking to or from the stand or while standing on the ground.
  4. Hunters will be required to remain in the stand until the end of the hunt before retrieving game or leaving the area.
  5. Only shotguns with slug/sabot ammunition or muzzle loading rifles will be permitted. As the area of the hunt is located on Delaware Parks land, no straight wall rifles permitted.
  6. All hunters must have the State Park registration and Fish and Wildlife licensing requirements completed prior to hunting.
  7. Hunters are required to use the deer harvest tags included with their current year Delaware Hunting License.

Hunters interested in participating in the special managed hunt should arrive to the hunter parking area at 6 AM for the morning hunt and 2 PM for afternoon hunt.