Tax Related Phone Numbers

Service Phone Number
Property Taxes - Current (302) 855-7871
Property - Delinquent/Partial Payments (302) 855-7831
State 65/Over 65 and Disability Exemptions (302) 855-7871
Tax Liens and Bankruptcies (302) 855-7871
Special Community Liens (302) 855-7871
Fax Number - Treasury Division (302) 854-5381
Assessment Inquiries (302) 855-7824
Property Transfers and Manufactured Homes (302) 855-7824
Tax Maps (302) 855-7822
Fax Number - Assessment Office (302) 855-7828
Trailer Release Information (302) 855-7720
Building Permits (302) 855-7720
Sewer & Water - Footage Charges (302) 855-7871
Ditch Tax Information (Division of Soil & Water Conservation, Drainage Program) (302) 855-1930
Building Code (302) 855-7860
Clerk of the Peace (302) 855-7835
Community Development (302) 855-7777
Data Processing (302) 855-7849
Listings/Labels for Organizations (302) 855-7849
Purchasing of Assessment/Tax Files (302) 855-7824
Fax Number - Data Processing (302) 855-7845
Economic Development (302) 855-7770
Mapping (302) 855-7827
911 Inquiries (302) 855-1176
Recorder of Deeds (302) 855-7785
Sheriff's Office (302) 855-7830
Sheriff Sales, Tax Sales and Foreclosures (302) 855-7830